Lakeshore Camp & Retreat Center


We are so excited about Summer 2024!
With over 40+ camp options tailored to all ages and interests, we’re gearing up for a year of epic staff, awesome leadership, and the most incredible campers. Don’t miss out on a summer that’s bound to be an absolute blast – join us for a good time you won’t forget!

Click the button above to register online, or download and fill out the forms below:
Registration Form
Medical Form

Pricing & Payment

Summer camp is a positive life-changing experience for many children and youth. We believe every child should be able to come to camp, which is why we introduced tiered pricing. As a result, Lakeshore summer camps are of great value! We are proud to say that all of our basic camp programs are priced under the regional average price.

You may be surprised to learn that the rates Lakeshore has historically charged are subsidized and well below the true cost of a week at camp. Camps across the country are receiving fewer and fewer subsidies, and Lakeshore is no exception. To continue to offer the same great programming with new and improved activities, rates would need to increase drastically. Rather than raise prices on all families, tiered pricing essentially asks families with greater financial means to consider picking a tier more closely resembling the direct cost of camp. This honor system approach makes it financially possible for any child to come to camp.

Tiered pricing is intended to allow families to select the level of payment most appropriate for their circumstances. Each family may freely choose to participate in Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 levels of payment. Every camper has the same experience regardless of the selected tier, and only the office will know who chose which payment level. Lakeshore believes every child should be able to come to camp and will continue to offer camperships for campers who need greater financial assistance.

Explanation of the 3 Tiers

Tier 1: True- For families blessed to be able to pay first-tier pricing, this tier more accurately reflects the true cost of camp, including all aspects of maintaining facilities in good condition, insurance, utilities, etc. By choosing this tier, you can help Lakeshore make needed upgrades and continue to grow in the future.

Tier 2: Intermediate- This tier is a mid-level between our historically subsidized rate and the true cost of camp. This tier more closely reflects the direct costs of a week of camp, including program costs, food, summer staff, and camp administration.

Tier 3: Historically Subsidized- This tier most closely matches our traditional fee structure, which has been subsidized. This rate does not reflect what it “really costs” to offer camp programs. Because we want to make every effort to keep the cost of camp as affordable as possible, Tier 3 will keep the historically subsidized rate.

Goals for Tiered Pricing